December is here! For most of us, that means that we are slacking on our diets and enjoying our favorite foods, with the intention of beginning anew in January. Good for us! However, while the diets dwindle, let’s make sure that we continue to take great care of our teeth for the duration of the holidays (and beyond). Here are some tips on how to keep up with your oral hygiene and maintain a healthy mouth while indulging in the deliciousness.
1. Be cautious when eating sticky or hard foods. Some of the seasonal foods like candied nuts and taffy are hard and sticky and have a way of removing fillings or breaking teeth if not careful. Be mindful when eating these foods, especially if you have had dental work done.
2. Remember that holiday drinks have sugar. Even if you have a (wonderful) habit of brushing your teeth after every meal, it can be easy to forget that the holiday Starbucks drink, grandma’s vat of apple cider, and the cocktail our sister just handed us all are loaded with sugar. Be sure to brush your teeth after consuming these beverages as well!
3. Wait before brushing. We commend you for wanting to brush your teeth the second you finish a meal; however, it is best to wait about 30 minutes after eating so you aren’t causing tooth erosion by brushing natural acids around.
4. Don’t have a toothbrush? Swish! A lot of times we aren’t eating our holiday meals in our own homes, which means that we don’t have our toothbrushes with us. If that’s the case, swish your mouth with water until you can brush your teeth.
5. Take a break. The closer we get to the holidays, the easier it is to pick at foods all day long. Make sure you are taking a break from eating to give your teeth a break.