COVID-19 Policy

Your smiles and good health are important to us…DHA is continuing to monitor the daily changes of the COVID-19/Coronavirus Situation. The American Dental Association, Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, local public health officials and other government agencies have recommendations to help us further protect and care for our patients and staff.

DHA staff is currently wiping down all surfaces, pens, doorknobs, light switches on an hourly basis during clinic hours in addition to our usual standard precautions of disinfection for each room (operatory) before and after each patient encounter. All staff is wearing personal protective equipment including shields, masks, gloves and proper clinical shoes and/or shoe and hair coverings. 

If you are feeling ill or running a fever, please call and immediately reschedule your appointment. 817-277-1165 x 103 or 105

DHA requests that EVERY PATIENT coming inside the dental clinic must wear a mask. If you do not have one, DHA will provide you with one. Please keep your distance when entering waiting room and standing in line at check in. Please only sit in designated numbered seats and please only bring yourself to your appointment. Any additional family or friends will have to wait in the car. 

Each patient will have to answer screening questions**, have temperature checked, wash hands upon entering operatory and rinse with a Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening mouth rinse and wash hands before exiting the operatory. Please also take advantage of hand sanitizers available around the office. 


  • Have you traveled out of the country or been on a cruise in the last 3 weeks?
  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who has traveled out of the country in the past 3 weeks?
  • Have you traveled to any of the following locations in the past 3 weeks: Washington State, California, New York, Massachusetts, Washington DC, New Jersey, Colorado?
  • Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 3 weeks: Fever, Cough, Body Aches/Chills, Flu-like symptoms, vomiting for unknown causes, Difficulty breathing, Shortness of Breath, Chest pain or pressure?
  • Have you been in contact with any person who has had any of the previous symptoms?
  • Have you been in contact with any person confirmed to have COVID-19?